Discover How to Start a Profitable Business Coaching Practice

As a Christian Business Coach

Download a detailed overview of our "Done-For-You" Business Coaching System and community to live life on your terms, without creating content, tools and systems.

Create Significant Impact

You have a God given call to help business owners grown their business.

We give seasoned Christian men a Done-For-You, business coaching practice so you can live life on your terms.

Our 3-Step Done For You System

Let us do the hard work... You spend your time adding value, solving problems and building the life of your dreams!

Get In Front of 10-15 Business Owners Each Week

We give you all of the tools to get in front of the right business owners.

Build Solid Relationships & Secure As Many Clients As You Like

Our proprietary software will help you get clients as fast as you want them.

Coach Your Clients With Our Step By Stem System

A step-by-step system that's easy to follow that will get your clients results.

Sophisticated Software That Makes You Look Like A Million Bucks.

Revolutionary new business coaching software will help find any business financial impacts through multiple business strategies in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.

Business coaches often struggle with 3 major issues to build a financially successful business coaching practice.

  • How do I generate small business leads?

  • How do I convert the leads into high-paying clients?

  • When I get a new coaching client, how do I provide them FAST financial results so they can pay my high-end coaching fees and stay a client for years?

Join a Community of Christian Business Coaches

Regardless if you are an experienced coach, or you've never coached before - join our community of Christian business coaches.!

We're looking for individuals with a heavy passion and flair for business/marketing. All of the resources you will need to succeed have already been developed for you, and we'll even provide and pay for your training.

We Take Care of The Tools.

Most coaches spend 80% of their time working on the "tools." Many don't have the expertise that it takes, so their "tools" look like an amateur created them.

We've changed that for you. We do ALL of the work and create ALL of the tools, so you can spend 80% of your time building relationships, solving problems and getting clients.


Million Dollar Custom Online Business Academy

Transform your business and surge ahead of the competition with our comprehensive branded for you academy. Imagine - your logo, your picture, your brand colors.


Live Event Mastery

To establish yourself as a respected authority as a business coach, there's no better approach than to host your own live events. We equip you with all resources to help you achieve your goals.


Your Very Own Book

Imagine YOU as an author! We publish TWO books for you. This gives you instantly credibility in your industry.


Social Media For Business Coaches

We will teach you (and give you the exact tools) to get business owners to engage from social media activity.


Your Own Coaches Website

We will build a first class website with lead magnets and other tools to engage prospects.


Authentic Relationships

February 10, 20242 min read

As we journey together in the pursuit of excellence in business coaching, a vital principle stands out, deeply rooted in our Christian faith: the significance of building relationships grounded in authenticity.

In business coaching, authentic relationships are not merely beneficial; they are essential.

Our faith teaches us the importance of genuine interactions, as highlighted in Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” This scripture underscores the value of sincere connections that foster growth and improvement, both in personal and professional realms.

Why is authenticity critical? Here are a few reflections:

1. Trust Foundation: Authentic relationships serve as the bedrock of trust. When clients perceive their coach’s genuine interest and care, a safe space is created. This environment encourages openness, enabling clients to share their true challenges and aspirations, which is crucial for impactful coaching.

2. Alignment with Christian Values: Living our truth and engaging others with honesty and integrity mirror the teachings of Christ. By embodying these values in our coaching practice, we not only enrich our professional relationships but also honor our spiritual commitment to live a life of service and love.

3. Personalized Coaching: Authenticity allows us to truly understand the individuals we serve, recognizing their unique journeys and needs. This understanding enables us to tailor our coaching in a way that resonates deeply and fosters meaningful progress toward their goals.

4. Long-term Relationships: Authentic connections often evolve into long-term relationships. These enduring bonds can lead to repeated business, referrals, and a strong, supportive network, underpinning the sustainability and growth of our coaching practice.

In essence, authenticity in our relationships is not just a good practice; it’s a reflection of our faith in action.

As we guide our clients towards their goals, let us remember that our approach, grounded in the love and truth of Christ, is what truly sets us apart.

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